An original, high-end, fashionable and interactive event, guaranteed to appeal to your guests.

By introducing you to the thrills of gambling, our professional event coordinators will make sure that you get to enjoy an unforgettable experience.
At each table, your knowledge – in the area or areas of your choosing – will be put to the test in a number of interactive quizzes…
With the UNIQUE DESIGN of the tables, your guests get to test their knowledge in various subject areas that we have chosen ourselves, such as sport, cinema, gastronomy, general knowledge, music, the 80s, celebrities, etc.
But we can also organise traditional casino tables for you, with games such as Blackjack, Roulette, Chuck-a-luck, etc.
Your guests can work together in teams if they prefer.

Innovative Trendy Interactive Upscale
Nombre de pers.
10 to 180
60 to 180 minutes
French - English

Zones d'interventions

Remerciements clients (EN)


Tous nos remerciements aux équipes de BEA Conception pour leur sympathie, leur réactivité et leur souplesse, sans oublier leurs prestations inoubliables. Et mention spéciale à Eric !