Immerse your guests in the bewitching atmosphere of the 1920s/1930s.

Created in the US in the 1920s, the Charleston is dynamic and spectacular – leading to its considerable success when it first emerged. The dance was named after the city of Charleston in South Carolina. Joséphine became one of the greatest ambassadors of the Charleston when she moved to France in 1925.
For just one evening, relive all the crazy atmosphere of this era.

Our talented and charismatic dancers will win you over with their ultra-dynamic movements, all to the sound of music that will get your feet tapping.
Ever elegant, they'll perform typical cabaret dances, ideal for events based on the Parisian, Prohibition or Gatsby themes.
If you want, our artists can teach your guests the basics, immersing them even more in the atmosphere and kicking off the evening.

French - English

Zones d'interventions