The cartoonist's new technological weapon!

Digital cartooning is the latest spectacular innovation!

With the tip of his stylus, cartoons and silhouettes are produced on a digital tablet, in black and white or in colour, before onlookers’ very eyes. No more pen and paper… and no sooner have they been sketched than they can be sent to your mobile. The file is then yours to keep and you can do whatever you want with it.

The best thing is the cartoonist being able to broadcast his work as he’s doing it! For that, he just needs to connect his touch tablet up to a screen. And if it's a giant screen, the whole audience can watch the drawing as it's taking shape, step-by-step in real time. A spectacle in its own right that is very much in keeping with the times, and which will pique the curiosity of the young and old alike, creating a lot of laughter and setting the mood! Basically, a revolutionary way to create an ambience.

A good way for professionals to liven up their stands, forums or other events. Digital cartooning is at the cutting-edge of technology and is bound to win over clients. Count on innovation!
The cartoons created can either be printed out on paper, or they can be sent to each participant as a computer file, or they can even be saved to a CD or USB stick. You get to choose the package – our cartoonist will fit in with what you want and will be on hand to help.

Nombre de pers.
10 to 300
60 to 180 minutes
French - English

Zones d'interventions

Remerciements clients (EN)


Bonjour Céline, Je vous remercie pour les photos. Tout s’est très bien passé hier et les partenaires étaient ravis ! Bonne journée. Cordialement,


Cher Xavier Je rebondis sur le mail de Monique pour te confirmer notre très grande satisfaction sur ces 2 soirées ! Nous avons des retours très élogieux et enthousiastes de la part de nos collègues . Ces soirées ont été très joyeuses. Tes équipes très pros ! Et toujours les valeurs sûres: la magicienne et le caricaturiste qui n’a pas arrêté de la soirée ;-) Des bises à toute l’équipe


très gentil